Our beautiful daughter Caydence was born just a couple weeks ago on June 10th, 2009. She weighed in at 4 lbs 8.7 oz and was 17 inches long. She wasn't due until July 5th, but decided that she wanted to make her debut a little early.
Back in February, during my 20 week ultrasound we found out that our baby girl has a heart defect - AVSD (Atrioventricular Septal Defect) or AV Canal. Meaning, she has a hole between the upper two chambers of her heart and another between the lower two chambers of her heart. She will require open heart surgery to repair the holes when she is 6 months to a year old. A really good website which explains her defect is: www.pted.org
We also found out that this heart defect is very common in babies with Down Syndrome. Our doctor asked us if we wanted to have an amnio to see whether or not she had it. Josh and I decided that the diagnosis didn't matter to us and that we would love and take care of her either way. So we declined it and decided to wait until she was born to find out.
When she was born the neonatologist told us that she suspected that Caydence had Down Syndrome based on some physical features and a few days later, a test confirmed it. Now most people would think Josh and I would be upset or disappointed at hearing this news. But the truth is, is that it didn't phase us in the least.
As most of you know, our 1st baby Katlyn, was stillborn last February due to a underlying blood clotting disorder that I didn't know I had. Losing a child really puts things in perspective. Although we wish Caydence was 100% healthy, we are just soo incredibly happy that we have a chance to be parents to her and that her heart is able to be repaired.
Right now she is still in the nicu. Here are some milestones over the past couple weeks.
June 12 - She got her IV out and was held by her Mommy and Daddy for the first time.
June 13 - Got her feeding tube out and went off oxygen
June 14 - Had her first tub bath
June 15 - Started taking Lasiks (Dieretic)
June 19 - Started taking Enalapril (Blood Pressure Med)
June 20 - Feeding tube was put back in. Her heart is making her get tired out more easily so she isn't able to finish her bottles.
June 21 - Peed on Mommy and Daddy during a diaper change :)
June 24 - Moved out of her incubator into a crib and is maintaining her body temperature
June 25 - Reached 5 lbs and her umbilical nubby fell off
June 26 - Her blood pressure medication was changed from Enalapril to Captopril which can be adjusted easier.
Right now there is no word on when she will be coming home. But her cardiologist thinks it will probably be closer to her due date. Right now they want to get her stabalized on her medications.
We will be posting daily to keep everyone up to date on how she's doing.
I love the new blog. Thanks for keeping us all posted. Congrats again to the new parents. May Caydence keep improving and come home soon.
What a beautiful little blessing! Thankyou for sharing her in this blog. I hope I get to meet her soon.
I love the new blog! She is so beautiful. :)
Awesome cute photos!!!!
She is just Precious!!!
Can't wait to meet Little Caydence.
Love the new blog so we can keep updated as you go along.
What a beautiful bundle of love! Thanks for making this blog to keep us all updated. I'm so happy for you and happy for Caydence to have such loving parents!
Love the blog you made for her! Thanks for keeping us all posted! Wishing you all the best!
This is beautiful! Brings tears to my eyes, she is loved so much!!!
CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful baby girl...from the Foremans in CA!
I just found your blog and saw that our blog is on your side bar...how fun :)! If you have not read yet our little Reid had a similar heart defect and came through surgery like a champ! Caydence will too! He is also on Lasix and Enalapril. Caydence looks so healthy....she is such a pretty little baby! I will say special prayers that her little heart will not tire so easily and that she can continue to gain weight and get on out of there to start her life with you in her own home!
I am so glad that you are handling the news of Down syndrome so well. Like you, we had suspicions but did not want an amnio and so it was not confirmed until after Reid was born....if only I knew then what I know now I would not have spent a moment in sorrow. He is such a blessing as is Caydence!
I am so happy to see that Caydence is doing better. It is so nice to know that the two of you have such a fantastic attitude - that is what Caydence needs from her parents, and I believe that is why God gave her to you. She is a beautiful baby and I am so happy for you two. Love,Melinda
What a surprise to find this lovely blog and to keep up with the three of you. Caydence is so sweet and wish the best for all of you. Aunt V in Madison
Beautiful blog!
Jenny and Josh, Evan was a special needs baby and child and he is the biggest blessing that I have ever had in my life. Caydence will be the same for you, I know you know this.
I am always here for you in which ever way you need me...prayers, friendship, babysitter, a shoulder.
You and Josh mean the world to me and I consider you and the rest of the Columbus gang part of my extended family...
Love you so much and can't wait to kiss that sweet little angel.
Congratulations to you and Josh! I LOVE the name you chose for your little darling! Wishing you the best.
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! Welcome to this club that you thought you'd never be a part of but once you are there is so much love! Looking forward to following your family's journey!!
I love your blog. My daughter Morgan had open heart surgery on 9/10 for a VSD. It was very scary for us, but since then she has been doing so well--I know you are nervous about her surgery, but you'll be amazed at how much better and strong she will be after it's over. Morgan is finally gaining weight now and developing normally. Hang in there. keep strong when you can and ask for support when you need to. It will come to you. Blessings to you and your family!
Jenny and Josh,
I think about you often and I am praying for Caydence and that Monday goes well. I am looking forward to the day we can visit and hold her. If there is anything I can do....I am here for you.
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