Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to Caydence!!!!!

Yesterday my sweet baby girl turned 1!!!!

As I said in my last post (many months ago), we've been waiting for this day since before she was born. Caydence has come so far in the last year and we're so proud of her. She made it a month in the NICU, then had months of doctor appointments, blood draws, xrays, echos. She had OHS in December followed by a 6 day hospital stay. G tube surgery in February. Got her button placed in April. Now things are finally calming down. I guess that's why I haven't posted much lately. Just enjoying life now :)

This Sunday we are throwing her a big birthday party to celebrate :) I promise to post lotsa pics.

Caydence has been getting better at eating, but still has a ways to go. She will definitely eat all her food orally eventually, but it might take a year to get her acclimated. The good thing is, is that since she's not throwing up anymore, she's starting to associate tasting and eating as "a good thing". A couple days ago she ate a whole ounce of squash! It will be interesting to see what she thinks of birthday cake :)

Currently she weighs 15 lbs 13 oz and is about 27 inches long... or 2'3" if she were standing :) She sees a feeding specialist every other week. And her OT from Birth to 3 comes in once a week to work with her. Both are helping a lot.

Caydence is close to sitting by herself, but is still a bit wobbley and likes to fly backwards a lot :/ You see, most children with Down syndrome are born with really low muscle tone, so it takes them longer to build up that muscle they need to sit, crawl, and walk than typical children.

Caydence's newest tricks are clapping and signaling that she wants the ball when we're rolling it back and forth. Can't wait to see what she'll do next :)

Stay Tuned <3


Adrienne said...

Happy Birthday Caydence!! You're doing sooo good!!! Have a wonderful party and try some of that cake for your mommy!:)

Robbi said...

Happy Birthday Caydence!!!

You have come along way!
And has been great that your Mommy & Daddy share it with us.

I hope your day is filled with Lot's of Fun and Love!

Eat Lot's of Cake!