Monday, December 14, 2009

Surgery Day

6:15 - We arrived at the Children's Hospital. Caydence was in a very good mood and really happy and rambuncious.

7:40 - Caydence was given some tylenol and some medicine to make her a little sedated.

7:55 - Josh took Caydence back to the operating room. They gave her some anesthesia and she was put to sleep.

10:00 - It took them 2 hours to get her all hooked up and ready and we were notified that they had made the incision.

11:10 - She was put on the bypass machine.

12:50 - We got an update from the nurse that she is still on the bypass machine and surgery is going well. They estimate they will be able to take her off in about an hour and then close her up and move to recovery.

1:30 - We just got word that she is off the bypass machine. They are doing some testing to make sure the surgery is working well and are expecting to close her up shortly!

3:45 - Surgery was a SUCCESS!!! Josh and I just went in to see her :) She is still on the ventilator to give her lungs a rest. So they have her heavily sedated. But plan on taking out the vent in the morning. They were able to use her own tissue for the repair and so far it is looking great. We still have a long way to go and I'm sure it will be a rollercoaster, but as of right now, everything looks GOOD!

Keep Caydence in your prayers and check back for updates...


Kristin said...

I have been thinking about you guys for weeks now, and am praying that Caydence goes through today without a hitch. Many warm thoughts for your family today...

Toddersville said...

Great to hear that things went well. I hope you all can have a restful night. Best! Todd

Anonymous said...

Jenny and Josh,
How wonderful that surgery was successful!

When I was praying for her today I sang a song from our hymnal called Thy Holy Wings. Here are the words:

Thy holy wings, O Savior, spread gently over me, and let me rest securely through good and ill in thee.
Oh, be my strength and portion, my rock and hiding place, and let my every moment be lived within thy grace.

Oh, let me nestle near thee, within thy downy breast where I will find sweet comfort and peace within thy nest.
Oh, close thy wings around me and keep me safely there, for I am but a newborn and need thy tender care.

Oh, wash me in the waters of Noah's cleansing flood. Give me a willing spirit, a heart both clean and good.
Oh, take into thy keeping thy children great and small, and while we sweetly slumber, enfold us one and all.

God's blessings and peace be with you and especially with little Caydence. Pastor Sylvia

Anonymous said...

Everything sounds wonderful. Try and get some rest tonight because tomorrow will be another stressful day, but things will only get better and better from here on.
Uncle Frank and Aunt Millie

Anonymous said...

I am soooo happy that everything went well! Hopefully you can all get a good night's sleep tonight, I'm sure last night was hard to get any rest. Take care!


Anonymous said...

On behalf of this side of the Farwell/ Elliott family, we want to say we have you all in our ongoing Prayers.
We are glad surgery went well and we are all excitely awaiting even more good news!
Keep us posted and we love you all!
Rochelle, Eric,Lucas
Uncle Al, Aunt Sharon, Stacy, Trevor
The rest of the gang

Carrie said...

I am so happy to hear her surgery was a success!! I'm praying for full and quick recovery!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear things went well. You and Josh are much stronger people than I am and I'm sure everything will come out fantasic!


Anonymous said...

So glad surgery went well - we hope things just keep getting better! Luv, Lea Stokes & Don Martin

shakenbsis said...

Thanks so much for all the updates Jen... I am so glad to hear (finally able to get online htis morning) You all are in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be until little Caydee comes home... love and BIG hugs to all...